Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)

Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) students can complete select sector-recognized certifications through The Village at Black Creek.

costumed educator demonstrates traditional 19th method of tin making
Costumed educator at The Village at Black Creek shows students how to use a 19th century spinning wheel
costumed educator demonstrates traditional method of fire making


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SHSM Programs at The Village


In this interactive course, students gain the insight, experience, and skills required to be an effective leader in today’s rapidly changing world.

This program focuses on building the skills, attituded behaviours, and knowledge necessary to exercise leadership in any setting. Half-day and full-day options are available.


Using the historic backdrop of The Village, students focus on the basic principles of working successfully in a team, as they engage in activities promoting responsibility, perseverance, helpfulness, respect, and positivity.

The day ends with an engaging debrief in which students discover crucial understandings about the power of collaboration. Half-day and full-day options are available.


In this three-hour workshop, students participate in a variety of activities related to the skilled trades of the past, including weaving, spinning, typesetting, and tin work.

The workshop is followed by an interactive tour of The Village trades buildings.

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Call (416) 667-6295 to book