
Explore the Living History of the Gardens at The Village.

a young girl stops to smell the flowers in one of the heritage gardens at the Village at Black Creek

The gardens at The Village at Black Creek display annuals, perennials and vegetables commonly cultivated in Ontario during the mid-19th century. Feature gardens of The Village include our Herb Garden, Berry Garden, and Market Garden.

doctors house garden at the Village at Black Creek


The Herb Garden

Location: Between the Laskay Emporium and the Harness Shop

The Herb Garden, located between the Harness Shop and Laskay Emporium, includes medicinal and culinary herbs typically incorporated into kitchen or flower gardens of the 19th century.

Explore Our Herb Garden Exhibit

herb garden beds arranged in rectangular pattern


The Berry Garden

Location: Beside Laskay Emporium and Post Office

The Berry Garden, just down the boardwalk from the Herb Garden on the other side of the Laskay Emporium, features soft fruit ranging from raspberries to gooseberries and currants. Berries are harvested and used in the Half Way House Historic Kitchen where they are transformed into delicious tarts or jams

berry garden at the Village at Black Creek


The Market Garden

Location: Beside the Mackenzie House

The Village’s Market Garden varies seasonally, showcasing heirloom vegetables, cut flowers, and examples of crops such as flax and broom corn. Aside from being beautiful, this garden is extremely productive. Produce from the garden is used in our school programs and demonstration cooking activities, and is available for purchase by visitors at our weekly Meet the Gardener program.

The Market Garden

Find Our Gardens on The Village Map